Cherry Pips Day Nursery follow the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum – the philosophy of which is “learning through play”. The curriculum is designed to ensure that the individual needs of all children, from birth to the end of their reception year, are met.

The four guiding principles of the EYFS are:

  1. That every child is unique
  2. That every child can learn to be strong and independent through positive relationships
  3. That children learn and develop best in enabling environments
  4. That children learn and develop at different rates and in different ways.

For children under two, we focus on three prime areas of learning and development:

  • Communication and Language –providing an environment for young children to express themselves and speak and listen in a range of situations, allowing them to develop their communication and language skills.

  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development – Helping children develop social skills, respect for themselves and others and an understanding of their own feelings.

  • Physical Development – Helping children understand the importance of physical exercise, as well as making healthy food choices.

The four specific areas of learning and development grow from the three prime areas, and help to extend young children’s knowledge further:

  • Literacy Development - Helping children discover phonemic awareness – the ability to hear and identify different words and sounds – and begin to develop their reading and writing abilities.

  • Mathematics – Guiding children with their development of skills with numbers and calculations, as well as helping them to identify shapes, spaces and measures.

  • Understanding The World – Helping children to make sense of the world around them through observation and exploration of the places they spend time, and the technology they use.

  • Expressing Arts and Design – Providing children with an opportunity to express themselves and learn through activities such as drawing, painting and using instruments.

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